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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Take a class with The Woodwife - Herbal Medicine Chest 101

This class has been postponed until Sept by request of interested students - date TBA.

What? - Join the Woodwife for a little wildcrafting and hands-on basic preparation of 4 take home herbal remedies to get you started on your own Herbal Medicine Chest
We'll talk about a few remedies that you can make on the spot to ease summertime bites, bumps and bruises.

We'll take a short break for a light, healthy luncheon.

When? - July 30th from 10 AM to 2PM

Where? - email me for directions

Class cost is $45.

Space is limited so pre-registration is requested by sending $20 of the class cost IN ADVANCE to hold your spot with the balance due on class day.

Email me with any questions or for my mailing address.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Much herbal love,


  1. I'd love more information on this class. It's probably just me, but I can't figure out where to find your email! I've been searching your page for a while now! Thanks!

  2. @minniemom Oops! You should be able to see it on my profile but here it What would you like to know?

  3. Have you considered doing a webinar or video class for those of us who live a "tad" bit far away?

  4. @Dee I have thought of that but I have no idea how to begin to set it up. I've so much to learn about all this technical stuff. Do you know alot about things like that? Or have ideas about where to learn? Please email me if you do. Thanks.


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The Woodwife's Shop

Preparing small batch natural, additive free products for beauty, health and home right here in our kitchen since 1991 from herbs grown organically in our garden, wild crafted in nearby meadows and woodlands or purchased from reputable, like-minded companies. Dried everlasting wreaths, arrangements and potpourri. Herbal salves, tinctures, soaps, teas and more.