Garden Tower Project

Click on the photo below to see the latest in combining worm composting and vertical gardening!
This unit allows you to grow 50 plants in a very small area! Now you can garden on your patio, balcony...almost anywhere!
Create your own themed kitchen garden...
A Salsa Tower...
A Pesto Tower...
A Hot Pepper Tower...
and my all time favorite...
A Medicinal Herb Tower!
The links below teach you how to make your own herbal remedies and the Garden Tower allows many folks to grow all the medicinal herbs they need in a very small space in most locations!

The Woodwife's Journal is an affiliate of The Garden Tower Project.
Use discount code "Woodwife"
to save even more!
Be sure to check out my Facebook Page

Click on the photo below to see the latest in combining worm composting and vertical gardening!
This unit allows you to grow 50 plants in a very small area! Now you can garden on your patio, balcony...almost anywhere!
Create your own themed kitchen garden...
A Salsa Tower...
A Pesto Tower...
A Hot Pepper Tower...
and my all time favorite...
A Medicinal Herb Tower!
The links below teach you how to make your own herbal remedies and the Garden Tower allows many folks to grow all the medicinal herbs they need in a very small space in most locations!
How-to Posts from the Woodwife's Journal
Very Personal Herbal Remedies -this post covers suppositories, douches and enemas.
More Recipes from The Woodwife's Herbal Medicine Chest

The Woodwife's Journal is an affiliate of The Garden Tower Project.
Use discount code "Woodwife"
to save even more!
Be sure to check out my Facebook Page
Hope you "Like" it!
Much herbal love,