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Friday, August 2, 2013

Me, at the Coffeehouse's Grand Opening!

My friend, Kelly, has a new camera and she's becoming a talented photographer.  During the Grand Opening at Stew's Brew Coffeehouse, she photographed my display.
If you're wondering where the name for this blog and my shop originated, click here.

What's on the menu?  A quaint vintage child's chalkboard shares this list for today.  I decided to go with a bakery theme so I used and old commercial bread baking pan that holds four loaves to display some of my soaps.

Soap Nuts!  Love 'em!  This square angel food cake pan was perfect for soap nut kits.

Bug Away Insect Repellent and Pain Sticks fit perfectly in this round cake mold, with a few bath salts and teas in the middle.

Here's another shot.

This vintage bread box made the perfect place to share a mixture of things.

Individual vintage bread pans show off my newest soap, Coconut Mocha Cellulite Buster!

Many thanks to Kelly for sharing her handiwork with me.

Be sure to check out my Facebook Page
Hope you "Like" it!
Much herbal love,
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Preparing small batch natural, additive free products for beauty, health and home right here in our kitchen since 1991 from herbs grown organically in our garden, wild crafted in nearby meadows and woodlands or purchased from reputable, like-minded companies. Dried everlasting wreaths, arrangements and potpourri. Herbal salves, tinctures, soaps, teas and more.