And a contest!
In a few days The Woodwife's Journal will be a year old. It started as a gift to myself as I made the countdown to 50. I've certainly fallen short of my original goal of posting everyday but it was a large assignment...quite unrealistic at this stage of my life. A lot has happened in the past year and I've learned so much. If you've read much of the content here, you know that I've been working with herbs in various ways for a long time. As a homeschool mom, herbs have played a large roll in our studies. As I looked ahead toward the future when my girls would be graduating and moving into the next phase of their lives, I wondered what would become of me. So much of my world is devoted to them and I love being a part of whatever they are doing. I wouldn't have it any other way because this has been such a special time for that can't be wasted on "ME" time because we can never pass this way again. I've been thinking ahead toward the future and making some plans but I don't want them to interfere with where we are right now. And as I added to my studies in hopes of gaining my footing, I felt at peace about my pace. There have been a few obstacles, some large and some small but I'm still working toward my goal. But last year as my oldest headed off to college, it really struck me...someday this part of our adventure would be past...what would I do with my time? There were dreams and ideas that I've been slowly reaching for but my time is still a little at a premium until my youngest graduates. But I didn't think I had to hurry. Everything in God's timing because I'm striving to give it all to Him. Of course I fail miserably at that pretty often, too.
But it's been so much fun and I've met some lovely folks who have encouraged me and shared with me. There's still so much to learn about the art of blogging and designing a page but I think I'm closer to sharing a true reflection of myself in what you see here. And through the things I've learned, my original blog has undergone some improvements as well. That's where it all started but as I shared the meanderings of my heart and mind there, I thought the alchemy and concoctions of a woodwife needed to have their own space to blossom. What a gift to be able to use the gifts God has given me to make such a difference in the lives of my family!
As the year draws to a close, I have some fun things planned for my 50th and the year to come. Thank you so much for pondering my meanderings @ The Woodwife's Journal and following through Google and Facebook. Be on the lookout for new additions and watch for me when you least expect it!
I've noticed that the number of folks who are following my blog has been creeping up in the last few weeks and I'd like to say, "Thank You!", to each one of you for letting me know that you're out there by adding your name to the list of public followers! We're closing in on follower
#100! Can I make it by by June 4th?
Let the Celebration begin! Enter to win!
1. If you are following my blog through the
public forum on either Google or Facebook, leave a comment below to be entered in a contest to win a grab bag of herbal products from my kitchen to yours! The cut off will be Wednesday, June 1st, 2011 @ midnight so you have lots of time to enter. The winner will be announced on June 4th during the 1 year anniversary
blitz! Unfortunately, for this contest, I'll have to limit this to folks in the US. But know that I love and appreciate all my international followers too.
2. For a second chance to enter, link my blog to yours by grabbing the buttons from the right. Then comment to let me know. If you're already displaying my buttons on your site, let me know that, too.
God bless you as you dig deeper into the opportunities before you.
I've invited the folks from
Monday Mania and
Follow me home, Friday and
Frugal Follies to follow me over here to join the celebration!
Much herbal love,