How do you like to do your Christmas Shopping?
Will you venture out into the utter mayhem on Black Friday to fight your way through the crowds of folks who, just the day before were thankful for what they have, but are now aggressively shoving and racing to grab all the things they want? Nothing wrong with that if you like that sort of thing.
It's really not my cup of tea and it steals my holiday joy.
So, I'll be shopping from the comfort of home taking advantage of free shipping and a warm cup of coffee while nibbling Thanksgiving leftovers.
If you like the sound of that better than Black Friday chaos, I'd like to ask a favor...
While you're searching through Amazon for that perfect gift or even a gift card, would you consider using my link to begin your search? As an affiliate, I'll earn a little to support my work here at the Woodwife's Journal and you won't feel even a penny increase in your cost! I'd like to say thank you in advance if you do because I really appreciate your help!
Don't forget to SHOP LOCAL to support your friends and neighbors! There are plenty of small businesses that offer wonderful gift ideas, some of them are even hand crafted! Take advantage of your local artisans, crafters, bakers and farmer's by shopping local this holiday season.
Be sure to check out the carousel of Focus on the Family Radio Theater favorites. We've had the pleasure of using these for homeschool and just plain entertainment. It's easy to pop in a classic story to listen to while you clean or cook just like your favorite music CD. Need some quiet time with the kids? Gather around the radio and use your imagination to transport you to another time and place. They offer stories for all ages. It's hard to say which ones are our favorites because the classic choices are great! Little Women, The Chronicles of Narnia, Ann of Green Gables, A Christmas Carol, Les Mis, The Secret Garden, The Screwtape Letters, Oliver Twist and many more...they all come alive with a full cast of voice actors...often ones you'll recognize from the big screen like John Rhys-Davies and Andy Serkis. just click on the rolling carousel to enter Amazon.
There are other affiliate links shown on the Woodwife's Journal for purchases through Mountain Rose Herbs, Tropical Traditions, and Vintage Remedies. There's also a link to the Garden Tower Project where you can purchase a unique, space saving garden option that uses the composting power of worms, the compactness of a barrel and ease of maintenance to provide a wealth of produce from a small space.
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Much herbal love,

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