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Monday, April 23, 2012

I love hearing from you!

It's so nice to hear from folks who are reading my blog!  I've made some cyber friends that way and I appreciate each and every one of you.  I've tried to make it easy for my readers to leave a comment without having to jump through too many hoops.  Spam filters seem to work fairly well and I'm amazed at the number of comments (and their content) that are stopped in that file.
All this to say that while I realize that some of you would rather comment anonymously, I am going to stop posting those comments that I can't link back to.  In other words, if I click on the "from" and get an error or can't find the sender, due to abuse, I'm going to delete them along with the spam.  I'm sorry to have to do this but I suspect spammers are finding new ways to thwart the system.  Most likely, the spammers will never read this anyway but in case there are those who post legitimate comments anonymously, I apologize if your comment is deleted.  It may be that some of the comments coming through are losing something is translation that make them sound suspicious but....well, I hope you understand.

If you have any thoughts on this problem, please let me know as I'm learning as I go.

I really do enjoy hearing from you so please continue to let me know you're out there!
Thanks for reading my thoughts here at the Woodwife's Journal!

Be sure to check out my new Facebook Page
Hope you "Like" it!
Much herbal love,

A passion for organics


  1. I'm with ya. I really don't like getting an "anonymous" comment especially if it's a good one! :) I like linking back! If someone comments, I'm going to check them or their blog out. "Anonymous" stinks imo. :)

  2. @Brenda
    It's true! If the comment doesn't make sense or relate to the post, I don't even feel bad but if you leave a nice comment and want me to reply or post what you've said, the least you could do is identify yourself, even by a blog name. But, I also have a problem with folks who never post or comment on fb but know everything you do. My personal peeve, I guess.


Thanks for visiting The Journal! I love hearing from you!

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The Woodwife's Shop

Preparing small batch natural, additive free products for beauty, health and home right here in our kitchen since 1991 from herbs grown organically in our garden, wild crafted in nearby meadows and woodlands or purchased from reputable, like-minded companies. Dried everlasting wreaths, arrangements and potpourri. Herbal salves, tinctures, soaps, teas and more.