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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Many Thanks!

I've just got to say that my heart is filled with thankfulness for the awesomeness that filled my day yesterday.  When I started blogging in 2010, I put my "stock", my hopes, in my family, friends and acquaintances to help me get going.  An unfair expectation since many of them don't share my views on the virtues of herbs. But, a few of them did and I'm grateful to them for standing by me, being my field testers and supporters, as well as making me dig deeper to find answers and figure out where I'm going.
They kept me from giving up.
Thank you!

Over the past year, things which had been creeping up, began to move more steadily as more and more folks stopped by to read support me.  Folks I didn't know.  Folks from all over the globe.  Folks who are well known and respected in the blogging circles and herbalist sectors I've been learning so much about.  They reached out to give me a hand and I can't express my thanks enough.

Yesterday, I watched as an amazing thing happened here at The Woodwife's Journal.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the hits started coming in, the pageviews snowballed!
People from all over the world were stopping by to see what The Woodwife's Journal is all about.

I've been praying from the start of my blogging adventure, for guidance and help.  You see, I'm not especially computer savvy so each new thing I've done to make this blog work, I've learned by research or trial and error. By asking questions, some were answered and some were not.  It's been lots of time, work and study to put together helpful posts that folks might enjoy reading.
They're not professional, they're not cutting edge...but they are from where I live at this time in my life.
From my heart and my home.

I don't know if this trend will continue but what happened yesterday was truly a blessing to me.
Many, many thanks to all of you.

Be sure to check out my new Facebook Page
Hope you "Like" it!
Much herbal love,

There are so many learning opportunities out there.
Here are some of my favorites:

Herbal Medicine Making Kit

Free herbal ecourse.

Free herbal ecourse.

Wildcraft Board Game

A passion for organics


  1. What a lovely post! You inspire me as I am starting to step out myself. I can relate to so much you said. Many blessings to you and your blog!! =)

  2. I think Pinterest is a great help for us bloggers!! I pin your stuff quite frequently and hope it sends people your way! I enjoy your blog very much! It gives me courage to try things that I wouldn't try if I just read about it in a book.


Thanks for visiting The Journal! I love hearing from you!

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The Woodwife's Shop

Preparing small batch natural, additive free products for beauty, health and home right here in our kitchen since 1991 from herbs grown organically in our garden, wild crafted in nearby meadows and woodlands or purchased from reputable, like-minded companies. Dried everlasting wreaths, arrangements and potpourri. Herbal salves, tinctures, soaps, teas and more.