Welcome to the 32nd edition of
Wildcrafting Wednesday!
Wildcrafting Wednesday!
Hosted by Kathy @ Mind, Body and Sole,
Laurie @ Common Sense Homesteading
and myself, here @ The Woodwife's Journal.
Thanks so much to all the folks who shared with us last week!
Can't wait to see what kind of herbal goodness you're up to this week!
What's going on in your herbal kitchen?
In the garden?
Read any good herbal books lately?
Learn any new skills or try a new recipe?
I've added a new feature to Wildcrafting Wednesday posts here at the Woodwife's Journal! Now you can link back to all the past linkys in one place! Just click on the Wildcrafting Wednesday button at the left and you'll be redirected to the new Wildcrafting Wednesday page where I'll be posting the linkys newest to oldest. Hopefully this will make it easier to find archived posts from past weeks. Please hang in there as I update to include all weeks past and future. Thanks!
As always, if you want to share the linky on your page, click on "Get the code" below.
Traditionally, the word wildcrafting means gathering herbs and plants in the wild to use for food and medicine. Wildcrafting Wednesday is a Blog Hop for gathering your favorite old time, traditional herbal posts, home remedies and crafting ideas. It’s a place to learn ways to incorporate herbs and old fashioned wisdom into our day-to-day life. It is anything and everything herbal – from crafts to cleaning to tinctures to cooking – it's remedies and natural cures made at home – it's self-sufficient living and back-to-basics tips to make and preserve food, save money and resources – if it involves herbs or traditional methods of homemaking, home healing or other traditional skills then we want to read about it!
Guidelines for Participation:
1. Please link up your blog post using the Linky widget below. If you are posting a recipe, only real food recipes are permitted please. This means no processed food ingredients!
2. Please link the URL of your actual blog post and not your blogs home page. That allows future readers who find this week's link-up to go directly to the post they want to read.
3. Please place a link back to this post. That way your readers can benefit from all the ideas too. This also helps out the other participants who are hoping to get more traffic to their blogs. If you’re new to blogging here’s what you do: Copy the URL of Wildcrafting Wednesday from your browser address bar. Then edit your post by adding something like, “This post was shared on Wildcrafting Wednesday at The Woodwife's Journal” at the end of your post. Then highlight “Wildcrafting Wednesday at The Woodwife's Journal”, click the “link” button on your blogging tool bar, and paste the URL into that line. That’s it!
4. Please only link posts that fit the carnival description. Old and archived posts are welcome as long as you post a link back as described above. Please don’t link to giveaways or promotions for affiliates or sponsors. That keeps our links valuable in the future since a link to a giveaway three months old isn’t going to be worth browsing in three months time, but a link to an herbal tip will be.
5. Please leave a comment below when you share a link. It's the only notification I have that new posts have been added. Thanks!
6. Don’t have a blog? We still want to hear from you! Please leave your herbal tip, recipe, or home remedy in the comments below.
7. And bloggers, please check out the other posts and leave a comment for them too.
Be sure to check out my new Facebook Page
@ http://www.facebook.com/Woodwife61!
Hope you "Like" it!
Much herbal love,

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